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Church Planting and Leadership


Full time - £15-16k

Love Beyond, London

Jesus invited his disciples to join him in a process of spiritual formation within the context of his own life. It was a community, on the job training, theology, study group, outreach, a forum for questions, and a safe place to fail.
Beyond Training is an attempt to mirror this approach. We are a leadership training community, made up of experienced leaders, church planters, workers who have been with us for a while and those just beginning their journey. We run projects to serve people, look for men and women of peace, and seek to develop spiritual relationships. You will lead projects, start small groups, disciple people and help to grow churches.
In order to sustain your life as a worker you will also need accommodation, and finance. We have a number of community houses to live in. You will make a contribution to the finances of our community by working for some of your time in a cafe, doing admin, managing facilities, or with media.  As you grow in ability, this "tent-making" time will be reduced. In return, you will receive a package that we think is equivalent to £15/16K pa if you were working in another environment.
You may be from another country, and will therefore need a visa. We are able to arrange this, and have experience with bringing workers from other nations to the UK. You may want to ultimately work in another nation and we have workers in a number of international locations where you could  obtain further mentoring.
With the rest of your time you will be running projects, meeting people and learning to engage them with the big questions of life. The sort of projects we run are based on the abilities and experience of our team: music, youth, older people, DIY,  sewing, sports, fitness, photography, song-writing, art, water-colouring, life-coaching, health, dance, job coaching, teaching English, teaching foreign languages, mums and toddlers, homeless. Whatever you bring to the table, we will find a way to use it.
Get in touch with us if you are interested.


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Position available now


We are a network of Christian leaders who study together, share resources and follow a distinctive pattern of ministry. Our passion is to develop innovative and effective ways of reaching out - a focus which is embodied by our Living Room venues. Although based in the UK, we support a growing number of overseas workers and also train people seeking to enter Christian leadership roles.

©2023 Love Beyond

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45 Camden Road, London NW1 9LR, UK

+44 (0)20 7734 7380

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